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Application classification support (NBAR2) in Flowmon OS





Support for NBAR2 tags on the probe and on the collector.
NBAR2 is Cisco's latest generation of Network Based Application Recognition.


Product: Flowmon OS

Version: Any

Platform: Any

Question/Problem Description:

Why the application/protocol is not identified on the probe?

Why the application/protocol is not translated to the name on the collector?

Steps to Reproduce:  
Error Message:  
Defect Number:  
Enhancement Number:  

Flowmon Probe is able to identify L7 applications and assign them proper NBAR2 tags in flow data. A list of supported applications is available on the support portal (choose Flowmon OS version - Application Classification Support). The probe can identify only supported applications.

Flowmon Collector is able to translate NBAR2 tags (engine ID and application ID) to the application/protocol name. Translations are based on the Cisco protocol pack library updated with every major/minor release. 

The tag cannot be translated if it is not in the Cisco protocol pack. 


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