I'm setting up a standalone Kemp LoadMaster in Azure for internal load balancing. I need to configure multiple VIPs from the 2nd nic eth1 to load balance services across different server locations. Currently, I can only create VIPs on the primary interface. I'm seeking guidance on binding VIPs to a secondary interface.
KEMP Azure - Overcoming VIP Binding Limitations on Kemp LoadMaster in Azure
So to be able to use different addresses i have to keep adding additional addresses to be able to use it as a vip? does that mean that i have to keep adding ip addresses on the KEMP VM as well?
I know for the non-cloud solution we can just use the ip addresses off the nic and dont have to specify the addresses.
How does a 2 arm configuration works on azure? If someone can guide me to some documentation that would be helpful?
I have added a second nic and added additional address, since i cant add an alternate default gateway (limitation for Kemp on Azure) how do i make my spokes talk to the vip?
You can configure additional NICs for a two-arm configuration as well. That document which covers this setup you can find below:
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Andrew Spagnuolo
In order to accomplish this, additional addresses can be configured on the Azure loadmaster instance.
Instructions on how to do so can be found in our document here: https://support.kemptechnologies.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003031752-How-to-configure-a-Single-Arm-Multi-Public-IP-Address-LoadMaster-in-Microsoft-Azure
Best Regards,